Wednesday 22 April 2015

Shooting schedule

Shooting Schedule

BOLD- Time I spent looking for locations and taking images
UNDERLINE- collection of camera


MON         TUE          WED          THU        FRI        SAT        SUN
  15              16              17               18           19          20              21
  22              23              24               25           26          27              28
  29              30


MON        TUE           WED         THU        FRI         SAT        SUN
                                                          1             2             3              4

GIF of all images taken

GIF of all images taken

The GIF below is of all images i took when experimenting with the camera so i am able to take quality images for my final peace.

The GIF below is of all images taken for practicing my final peace.

Friday 23 January 2015

Risk assessment of locations

Risk Lvl
Risk prevention
Latvia-Anna-Country side
1.Weather (cold, ice)
Slipping tripping falling. In the image it looks warm but it was   -10 degrees Celsius and it got very icy at times

2.Violence (wild animal could attack)

1.To prevent falling on ice I had to wear proper foot ware which did not slip on ice (shoes with proper rubber sole)

2.There is no way of preventing this just back off slowly and run into the house otherwise you will probably die as there is no hospital for 30 miles and the response times to that distance are poling in Latvia
Latvia- Aluksne

1.Weather (cold, ice)
Slipping tripping falling. In the image it looks warm but it was   -10 degrees Celsius and it got very icy at times.
2.Violence. Latvia as a poor country, I would not be surprised if someone tried to rob me in the middle of the day but they did not.

1.To prevent falling on ice I had to wear proper foot ware which did not slip on ice (shoes with proper rubber sole)

2.Do not wave the camera around and keep it singed in your neck to at least try and save that.

1.Fire. If a fire starts close to me I am in danger only.

2.Bomb alert

1.If a fire started I would move away from the fire following fire exit signs and listen to where ever the staff are telling me to go to get out of the dangerous area.
England-London-Canary wharf

1.Weather (cold, ice)
Slipping tripping falling.

1. To prevent falling on ice I had to wear proper foot ware which did not slip on ice (shoes with proper rubber sole)

England-London-Hide Park

1.slipping tripping falling (it was very dark)
2. Violence. I was in the middle of a very dark park and I could have been robbed and stabbed.


1.To prevent falling on ice I had to wear proper foot ware which did not slip on ice (shoes with proper rubber sole)
2.To prevent this I did not use flash so I do not stand out in the darkness and kept the camera in the sling on my neck so it is harder to see.
England-London-Oxford street

1.Tripping falling. Populated area and might run into someone.

1. To prevent falling on ice I had to wear proper foot ware which did not slip on ice (shoes with proper rubber sole)
2. If a fire started I would move away from the fire following fire exit signs and listen to where ever the staff are telling me to go to get out of the dangerous area.

Equipment Booking

Equipment booking

Here is the e-mail on the right side contacting the teacher (a stakeholder providing equipment) and on the left is the actual document requesting the necessary equipment for a duration of time.

Friday 16 January 2015

Understand issues relating to factual programming for television

Understand issues relating to factual programming for television

Issues: accuracy; balance; impartiality; objectivity; subjectivity; opinion; bias; representation; access; privacy; contract with viewer

Task 1: Provide examples of programs that need to consider these issues:
Accuracy- This means the program has accuracy to the information they are providing which is relevant to the subject. News in whatever form, must be reported with due accuracy and presented with due partiality. This has been stated in Ofcom code 5.1 as accuracy is a key issue, if any significant mistakes in news should be normally be acknowledged and corrected on air quickly. Corrections should be appropriately scheduled. The BBC says they are committed to achieve due accuracy. This commitment is fundamental to our reputation and the trust of audiences, which is the foundation of the BBC. Accuracy is not just getting the facts straight it’s about getting relevant opinions across. After all this the truth can be unfolded. When handling facts the BBC gathers material using first hand sources whenever possible; they check and cross check facts; validate the authority of documentary evidence and digital material and corroborate claims and allegations made by contributors where ever possible. Accuracy is more important to the BBC then speed. Channel 4 double check all the information received. If any translation has to take place only professional and impartial translators must be used. These rules are mostly repeated it just depends on the cannel or production making factual programs as all the rules are set by Ofcom. Accuracy is imperative in programs like BBC news or BBC breakfast. These programs are live and they can discuss some really controversial or sensitive topics like war, in these situations they have to protect peoples dignity by not disclosing names of fallen. For example in Bowling for Columbine accuracy is an issues as he uses accurate information but he puts them in an order which discriminates someone and he uses language like ‘’It is believed’’ to make things seem factual as most people do not notice this. Michael Moore uses lots of library/source footage but he has selected footage which supports his views which create false connections in the viewer’s minds. This is an issue as the program is supposed to be factual but he gets the facts and uses them to sway the audiences mind as everything is a fact but it is put in such an order that it is false. Another example of poor accuracy is Jeremy Kyle, a factual program but the ‘facts’ are not true all the time. He listens to both sides but Jeremy does not get enough evidence to support anything said on the show, the only support are a few or just one witness. This show does not need accuracy as it is made for entertainment purposes and the core of the argument sometimes in never reached or resolved. The only truthful part of the show is the lie detector or the DNA tests. This is a problem as the program is supposed to be factual.

Objectivity/Impartiality/Balance- These three points have mainly the same meaning which is that both ends of an argument are shown and the reporters do not interfere with their own opinion. Balance is that both sides have to be viewed equally and the reporter stays neutral, objectivity means that the reporter must not take sides and must use facts and evidence to support both sides and impartiality is the mixture of both saying the reporter must report both sides must stay neutral and must use facts and evidence for both sides. Ofcom states in code 5.4 program in the services must exclude all expressions of the views and opinions of the person providing the service on matters of political and industrial controversy and matters relating to current public policy. Views and opinions relating to the provision of program service are also excluded from this requirement. 5.5 Due impartiality on matters of political and industrial controversy and matters relating to current public policy must be preserved on the part of any person providing a service. This may be achieved within a programme or over a series of program taken as whole. The BBC says impartiality lies at the heart of the public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to the audience. It applies to all of their outputs- TV, radio, online, and in their international services. Channel 4 is a program which deals with matter of controversy e.g. significant legislation currently passing through parliament, Channel 4 must ensure that justice is done to a full range of significant views and perspectives. This is key to channel 4 as they are truthful with their audience.  For example Loose Women is a show where women talk about facts in their lives or in the world. However they massively discuss each other’s opinions. This convinces the audience to take sides and that is the issue of this program. Another example of bad impartiality/prejudice is COPS. This is an American show where a camera crew follow police and record the arrests and situations they get in. this program shows what the criminals did, sometimes how they did it what their punishment is and they ask the criminals a few questions which might not be answered. This show does not show or say why they are doing this, it is not showing the other side of the story which could be very dramatic.

Subjectivity/Bias- This is when a presenter gives their opinion or judgment usually avoiding factual programming. The presenter might try to convince the audience of their opinion for entertainment purposes or they are passionate about their views. Channel 4 states in their guidelines for factual programming, that all footage should be edited fairly. However they state that bias can accrue only if a significant number of viewers are highly interested in the subject. For example Loose Women is a show where women discuss factual topic for entertainment purposes constantly giving their own opinion and trying to convince other contestants and the audience to their side. This is an issue as the viewers are uninfluenced by the commentators in a major way making the viewer take sides.

Representation- This is how people, places or events are depicted on screen. These could involve stereotypes which can be presented through mise-en-scene, camera, sound, and editing. Ofcom states that representation of people should be in their true nature as misrepresentation portraying them as stereotypes leads to great offence for the viewer’s so programs should not do this. Channel 4 believes that factual programs should represent people in their true nature. Producers should not obtain or seek information, audio, pictures or an agreement to contribute through misconception or deception. Any use of deception must be approved in advance by their commissioning editor and lawyer and permission will only be given where such use is justified by the public interest and is proportionate to the public interest. For example VICE is a factual YouTube channel which does has not appeared on TV to my knowledge but they have a magazine. In a documentary about Russia’s hardest drug they interview addicts who are in an abandoned house (at least looks abandoned due to the amount of rubbish around the flat and the lack of windows) making their addiction look really bad. However that is where they lived and they are portraying exactly how much this drug affects people. Another example being Bowling for Columbine where Michael Moore interviews these patriotic people who believe everyone should have a gun and they are protecting themselves and their loved ones. It sounds like a good cause but he chooses to interview them in an environment which makes them seem very animal like as they are in a tent all dressed in camouflaged army gear even though they are not in the army. In this shot you can also see a little child around the age of 3 or 4 who is in a nappy and dirty walking around. This makes them seem animal like. This is an issue as he tries to convince people of his views in this documentary which are that guns are not the solution and they make things worse.

Access and Privacy- Permission must be obtained to film as the invasion of privacy is not wanted or needed. Ofcom involve a number of different legislation'sins in particular, sections 3(2)(f) and 326 of the Communications Act 2003, sections 107(1) and 130 of the Broadcasting Act 1996 (as amended), and Articles 8 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. These legislation stand for the rights of the ones who are being filmed, they can always deny the broadcaster to use their face in the program. Obviously you cannot just start filming people without them knowing and use the footage to be put on TV. The BBC respects privacy and does not infringe it without good reason, wherever in the world it is operating.  The Human Rights Act 1998 gives protection to the privacy of individuals, and private information about them, but balances that with a broadcaster's right to freedom of expression.  In regulation, the Ofcom Broadcasting Code states "Any infringement of privacy in program, or in connection with obtaining material included in programs, must be warranted." Channel 4 produces of factual programs are required to comply with the law, the code and the handbook and in doing so they must at all times comply in full with advice given by the lawyer. This ensures that the program is providing the best available legal and regulatory deference. For example BBC news have to get written permission from an individual to be able to use their face in the news or any sort of factual programming. If they do not get a signed permission or just film someone without them knowing the producers and perhaps the channel can be sued for hundreds of thousands of pounds or even million if the footage is used.

Contact with the viewer-Interactivity according to Ofcom is a functionality rather than a specific type of service, and it can be applied in a wide variety of context. It distinguished the ability of viewers to interact with TV programs by two methods;
·         By changing the content which appears on screen
·         By providing information to the broadcaster
 The BBC says that interactivity allows their audiences to engage with them in many different ways; from voting for a contestant who could win, taking part in viewer, listener or online competitions, raising money for charity etc. Interactivity provides choices and gives opportunities to be heard, to participate and to create content. They aim to offer it to everyone by using different platforms in different ways, but they will not exclude viewers and listeners who chose not to interact as trust is the BBC’s most important value. At channel 4 they believe that knowing more about their viewers will help hem give us more of a programming and services we love. They collect all the information or feedback from the viewers and collectively decide on what should be implemented by the best ideas or the most popular giving the audience what they want to see in their favorite programs if possible. For example X-Factor is one of the programs which allow full interaction with the audience as they decide who wins at the end with the most votes. This is great interaction as the audience is dictating what major changes happen on the show like who wins in the final changing that individual’s life.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Unit 57 Test shoot- Christmas in London

Test shoot

In this report I will be showing off my practice images for my final peace featuring images of Christmas in London. 

The first image is of the winter wonderland in Hide Park London. When this image was taken I used no tripod, the shutter speed was quite high and the aperture was low. This helped me achieve the affect to make light stand out however this has a downfall as I am in London there is light pollution in the sky making the sky have some light to it even tho its night time. The framing in this image is a little off as it captures the winter wonderland but there s just black space on the right where there is nothing to look at. The lighting in this image is quite dark but this makes the colorful rides stand out. this image in particular is not the strongest image that relates to my theme as these are just rides in the winter wonderland.

This second image was taken at Westfield Stratford London. Once again this image was taken with no tripod, however I cannot remember what settings I had on at the time with the shutter speed and the aperture. Framing in this images captures the spirit of Christmas with the light up reindeer's and the Christmas tree with the lights all that is missing is a star on top of the Christmas tree which was not there. Lighting in this image looks rather bright as of the reindeer and the light on the left side of the frame. They are lighting up the area giving the illusion of how Christmas lights up peoples lives around Christmas time with the presents, the sharing, the giving and togetherness. This looks like a miracle that brings joy to everyone at this time of year. This image represents what I am going for rather well as it depicts how beautiful Christmas is in London.

The following image was taken at Westfield. In this image you can clearly see the Christmas decorations over the top of people enjoying themselves having some food at this great setting with a friend or member of family. The framing n tis image is a little off as you can see the reflection of the lights on the buildings to the sides of the image. The lighting in this image is quite bright making the decorations stand out which also gives the image a nice blue sort of filter however on the bottom half of the image the light is darker making the orange ‘Westfield’ sign stand out. This image depicts my theme rather well as it shows Christmas and how beautiful it is with people enjoying themselves during this time period with someone they want to be around.

This image was once again taken in Westfield as it is a great place for Christmas decorations and the atmosphere I wanted to capture. This is a simple picture of reindeer made out of lights. This image could be better if I took this image from a different angle with a different background as a shop is not that appealing to Christmas (besides shopping for gifts). The lighting in this image is very bright highlighting the reindeer standing in the grass. The light emitted by the reindeer is highlighting the tree and is outlining the bushes with the bluish light they are producing. This gives the image a nice visual affect.  I think the framing in this image is quite good the only thing spoiling this image would be the background but the background could be replaced easily if needed. This image captures some of the theme I am trying to capture. This image shows that Christmas is a bright time of year filled with happiness and togetherness even thou this is not suggested directly I can see that meaning behind this image.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Fine art photography

Fine art- this is essentially concept art which can be promoted as advertising or commercial photography but they are created for purely artistic reasons. Some people see the purpose to document as photojournalism as the images are used for commercial purposes but the image has been taken for art and after it has been taken for advertisement. The images have not been taken for any reason but simply the way it looks. It does not have to tell a story or sell something it just has to look good. Photographers making these images can try to fit in as much as possible in the image to make it look better but they still follow some of the rules of photography like the rule of thirds to make it as good as possible. These images are usually posted online on blogs of photographers with fine art albums which they will try and sell them to people for good money. After they are sold they can be used for any purpose the buyer desires to. Lots of this type of images have some sort of meaning to it either provided by the photographer or left for the audience to decide

For example the image below shows something that makes no sense what so ever but it looks appealing as it is unique and interesting. This image has been manipulated with computer software a lot but that is what makes it look good. The image shows what one person can be dedicated to or are thinking about. Here this girl is thinking about or is passionate about nature and historical landmarks. At least that is what I can gather from this image but there can be more to the image then this.

This next image has some meaning to it and it looks good as it is the purpose of these images. The image is telling the audience that the person illustrated in the image can be anyone and they can find a way out with music. The way out can be from anything like stress, anger, jealousy and many more feeling that you might want to escape from.

Henri Cartier-Bresson: August 22, 1908- August 3, 2004

Was a French photographer considered to be the father of photojournalism. Was born in Chanteloup-en-Brie, Sein-et-marne, France, and the oldest of five. His father was a wealth textiles manufacturer, his mother’s family were cotton merchants and land owners from Normandy where he spent part of his childhood and he was raised in a traditional French fashion. His parents could financially help him in his interest in photography however his father though he would take up the family business but the youth was strong willed and upset by this prospect.

The artist Henry Cartier Bresson likes to do art with himself. He wears casual clothes if he’s in the picture. The way he composes the images are very clever because in the first image he’s in the picture 3 times first he’s self (over the shoulder shot), second one is a drawing (point of view shot) and the third one is a mirror with his face there (mid-shot), these are all diefferent5 ways of him trying to express himself. In the second picture he’s once again done the image very clearly, it looks like he’s taking a picture of something while someone else has taken a picture of him and the background (mid-shot). Both of the images have been edited black and white.

It is hard to find out if there is a story behind the artist’s work because other people will have a different opinion on it. I feel the story behind it is he’s a hard worker and doesn’t rely on no-one, this is because he shows himself in three different ways and he focuses his artwork on himself. Also the fact that he is on top of building could represent his power and how he works independently.

There are recurrent themes in this artist’s work. For example the art he produces is usually around himself only. Also the way he represents himself is clever. Both pictures above have also been edited to black and white to add affect.

I assume the message’s behind Henri Cartier Bresson’s work is that you are only one person but people may have different views on you and don’t let that put you down as someone thinks your different because it’s good to be different. The reason why I feel this is the message because Henri represents himself in different ways.

The technique the artist uses while he is in the image makes it out to look like he is doing something but doesn’t pose for the pictures he’s almost doing something. He also likes to edit the pictures black and white. On the same hand the framing of most images is very similar, they tend to be high     up to show strength and power.

This is another image taken by Henry Cartier Bresson.The Image is mainly focused on the man and the background is blurred out this is called a shallow focus. Also it’s used the rule of thirds because the man is looking somewhere and we don’t really know what.

Ansel Adams- Ansel Easton Adams February 20, 1902- April 22, 1984. He was an American photographer and environmentalist. Ansel Adams was born in San Francisco, California grew up in the upper class as an only child.  Adams had a warm, loving and supportive relationship with his father, but had a distant relationship with his mother, who did not approve of his interest in photography. Adams was interested in the piano from the age of 12 but he ultimately gave up music for photography. He got given his first camera to him by his father in 1916. He learnt basic dark room skills during that winter while working part-time for a San Francisco photo finisher.

Ansel seems to capture the nicest moments on this planet that being between people and just in nature. Look at the two images above one is simply of a great nature shot and the other is two people having a nice moment. The women in the image is looking at the man with a smile on her face. The both of them are in focus with the sky in the background. This is a low angle shot using the rule of thirds making the both of them the focus of the chose a bland background as he wanted the image to be about them two.

 I assume Ansel likes to depict images of nature and how beautiful this world is due to his love for this world and how he sees it. Ansel’s images consist of beautiful nature shots but a few images featuring people who are the sole focus of the image. I think Ansel wanted to show the world how beautiful this planet is and what is has to offer if you are willing to go and look for it or make it with other people.

I would like to point out that none of these images are edited in any way as back in the day of 1920’s to 1950’s there were no ways to edit images other than placing filters on the lens giving the image some nice affects. However to my knowledge Ansel has never done this.

Most of Ansels images consist of dark tones with the light areas standing out capturing the dark the essence of the image. This image is very light and the thing standing out are two crosses on the archway leading into a church and on top of the church. The first cross is in focus with the arch way. The cross in the back is out of focus. To be honest am not sure what message Ansel is trying to show however this image looks good none the less.