Friday, 7 November 2014

Risk assessment- Dark room

Risk assessment- Darkroom

There are a set of rules that have to be followed just like everywhere else so you do not hurt yourself or damage any of the equipment.
When using or handling processing solutions- Avoid contact with bare skin at all times. Ware protective gloves when handling chemicals and use tongs when processing images in the chemicals. Renew gloves daily if possible as the material used for gloves becomes damaged when exposed to colour developing agents after a short time.
Despite the protections, chemicals or processing solutions- If chemicals come into contact with skin wash the affected area immediately and thoroughly in running water.
Ware goggle for all work- as photographic processing solutions could splash. For example when preparing solutions and pouring them into tanks. If chemicals reach the eye then you must spread the eyelids and rinse out with plenty of water immediately then you must see a doctor afterword.
Work area temperature- the room temperature must be above 30 degrees Celsius as the negatives and the paper are sensitive to temperature and it affects how well the images come out and it prevents the negatives from getting damaged in any way.
Storage of chemicals- must be stored in a way so they are not mistaken for drinks and are out of reach from children.

The most obvious rule of all– DO NOT EAT OR DRINK IN THE DARK ROOM!!

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